Tuesday, February 4, 2014

A Command Extension Conundrum

So far as I know, the documented way to test whether command extensions are enabled is something like the following.

   echo %0, Version 1.00 Starting




    echo This script requires command extensions to be enabled. Since they are

    echo enabled, by default, they have been disabled, directly or by GPO.


    goto ERR_DONE




For the first time in a long while, I temporarily disabled command extensions to perform a special test. To verify that command extensions were actually disabled, I ran a command script that begins by verifying that command extensions are enabled. I expected the error message listed above to be displayed. This is what actually happened.


CopyOneToAll.CMD, Version 1.00 Starting

1 was unexpected at this time.


This isn’t exactly what I expected.

Since I can complete the test without further investigation, the mystery has been put aside for now.

David A. Gray

Chief Wizard



Email: dgray@wizardwrx.com

WWW: www.wizardwrx.com


Cell: +1 (817) 298-0867

Land: +1 (817) 812-3041



4014 Double Tree Trail

Irving, TX  75061-3936


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